Ebook gratuito BookesA la sombra del olivo (Spanish Edition)

libros ebook gratis A la sombra del olivo (Spanish Edition)

libros ebook gratis A la sombra del olivo (Spanish Edition)

libros ebook gratis A la sombra del olivo (Spanish Edition)

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libros ebook gratis A la sombra del olivo (Spanish Edition)

This collection of lullabies and nursery rhymes from Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia draws children into a musical journey across North Africa, from the Sahara Desert through the Atlas Mountains to the Mediterranean Sea. In 30 story-songs about everyday life, children learn of the importance of rain, the communal aspects of meals, and the consequences of bad behavior. The accompanying CD features traditional songs performed by a group of women, men, and children, and recorded with indigenous acoustic instruments. This uplifting, enchanting production captures the meeting of ancient and modern styles, making it an absolute delight to musical ears.
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